Learn how to be ....
Outstanding, Original, Authentic
Magic and
and marketing doesn't have to be fake.
You can
be yourself and be real
It doesn't
have to use the techniques that others use, that can seem to
be egotistical and sometimes just plain untruths.
And it is
certainly not an exercise in manipulation.
Sales and marketing can come
from your pure desire to serve, to be generous
to create a win-win situation,
based on integrity.
Learn how to
do this using your business stories,
and the
structure and elements of story itself,
all while maintaining the
alignment of your natural skills,
your own values and your story
with the real you.
I felt the experience was
unique to my personality & needs as Bronwyn was able to
offer a program that included a variety of styles and
techniques in a non-judging environment. Benefits: increased
reassurance; greater awareness/perception; clearer
communication. ... Matt
Stand out / Outstanding
Brand storytelling for entrepreneurs, service providers,
Your Story
Matters because
YOU Matter
The code for defining
that value with laser clarity lies in ... YOUR STORY
from the competition | be remembered | referred | rehired
Brand Storytelling
your unique
message, your unique purpose, your unique marketing
This is
a brainstorming session to uncover the code in your story that
will give you the elements of your brand story.
When you
know your brand story, you can
define your message.
You have
the answer to "What do you do?" and can deliver it with natural
ease and fluency.
You are
very clear on your value and have no problem
your products and services
nominating the price
you have a very clear understanding of their value and have a
firm belief in why they are such a gift to your client.
You know
what makes you unique so that you can place yourself confidently
in the marketplace alongside your competition and alongside
other businesses or applicants.
It has been such an inspiring journey
working with you. Thank you for your amazing support and
encouragement, enabling me to get the best out of our time together.
Your patience and enthusiasm whilst we brain stormed ideas, helped
me define my direction with such clarity. You truly ‘got me’ and so
were able to impart your knowledge in a way I could easily
understand ...Penny
Business Storytelling
Sell your Story, Magnify your marketing, Grow your
connections, clients and cash and build a responsive
~ understand just how important story is and why it
matters in building your business
~ uncover and hone your unique core business story
~ How you can use story to direct your future
~ The structure & process elements of stories to
heighten receptivity and engagement
~ How and when to use story in your Business speeches
and workshops
Imagine knowing how to architect
your story so that …
~ it differentiated you from your competitors
~ it made you more confident to share your offers
~ it
attracted more ideal clients
People do business with people not
with an organisation or a company.
They buy the person first, the
product or program second.
They buy on emotion, justify with
So if you have a product or a
program or a dream for sale, how do you find the buyers,
the clients? How do you connect with them?
How to you show them the value of that product, that
program, that vision that you have for them?
STORY will do all that and more.
Let me show you - the
power of
Bronwyn Ritchie had everyone engaged,
sharing her knowledge & brilliant gifts - I know everyone came away
with tips to increase their success in business speaking. ...
Nicole |
Ditch the pitch
Story it instead.
If we want to do
business in the 21st Century, we need to change the way
we do business.
"Pitch" just doesn't cut it
any more.
People do business with
people ... not with a brand.
I came
to Bronwyn’s workshop out of curiosity hoping to learn about
putting together my story and how to use it networking. I
felt stifled and uncertain in what I was saying so that I
was focused on me and what I was saying and totally forgot
about the other person. This blocked me from connecting
with others and building relationships, which are very
important to me.
I loved
this workshop because it had an organic flow, rather than a
“school” structure feel to it, which greatly helped me to
loosen that feeling of being stifled. No longer do I bumble
through my story in uncertainty. I now speak it from the
heart and with conviction.
workshop helped me to frame my story and put it together in
a way that has impact. I built confidence in my story and
became comfortable with it. The unexpected value was the
interaction with other participants who showed me the
pivotal point in my origin story, strengthening my
conviction that this business is what I am here to do. ...
Rhonda |
Story to Stage to Stardom -
Sell your Story
Your story is the sum of
your experiences, your knowledge and the wisdom you have gained
from those.
Use it to create a message
... a speech.
Make your speaking your
unique signature based on your unique story.
Imagine being able to speak, confidently
and fluently, being able to
connect with more clients
inspire people to change, believe, or buy, so that
they achieved their dreams
establish yourself as an authority in your field, a
person of value to clients, even those in need of a speaker
Use it to sell from the
stage, to enrol clients, to inspire transformation
You need public speaking skills more than ever before to
present yourself, your company, your ideas, confidently
and successfully.
Do you want to build your business? Do you want to
change the world?
You know that public speaking will do that for you.
Confident --- effective --- speaking will do that for
Bronwyn's down-to-earth personality
helped me to open up and allow
myself to get vulnerable when it
came to receiving feedback on my
presentation. Not something I'm
usually comfortable with! She
calmed my nerves immediately, so
I didn't have to worry about
what I got 'wrong'. Our session
was much more about where I
could improve and how to enhance
what I do to get maximum impact.
The way she applied the public
speaking theory to my actual
talk, personality, and
circumstances was so helpful;
her insights were both
professional and personal, and
she saw into what I was trying
to achieve, but added several
layers of polish! I can't wait
to apply what I've learned from
Bronwyn and marry the concepts
with the real-life practice.
Thank you so much!"
--- Kris Emery
Create a
Profitable Personal Partnership with PowerPoint
No-one has to die a death by PowerPoint - not you, not
your audience,
your team or your Board ...
and you're not going to achieve that by killing off your
PowerPoint presentation.
Give life, clarity and pizzazz to your talk,
your pitch, your presentation and resurrect
your PowerPoint with this workshop/coaching option.
Build your confidence, clarify your message, engage your
audience, use stories.
Refresh your design principles to build visual clarity and
engagement support.
Speech | Webinar
workshop | coaching |
done for you |
Bronwyn provides extremely useful information at her 'Create
Your Winning Personal Powerpoint Partnership' workshop. I
was able to apply what I had learned straight away, and it
definitely improved the presentation I subsequently
delivered to 25 referrers for my business. I was more
confident going in to my presentation as I felt prepared,
having had instruction from someone with a lot of experience
in public speaking.
Amanda Griffiths - Founder My Health Career
Story reveal
Connecting the dots to uncover the stories from your life
that you need -
to speak, to change, to write, to sell, to inspire, to grow
you - your brand - your success.
you so much for juicing my story out of me. Now I can write
the About Page I wanted. ... Sarah |
Your story online
You have an internet presence?
You are active in social
This is your opportunity to
! stand out ! from the thousands of other
bytes and images and videos
that flow across our screens in a constant progression.
Your Story Online
This is story strategy.
How to use the elements of
story to identify how best to stand out, to create
to reduce the overwhelm and
hit and miss nature of your online posting and interactions.
Choose coaching, workshop or
Your Strategic
Speaking Blueprint
It's time
to commit to an action plan for your speaking or you will
procrastinate again and lose the wonderful advantages you know
that speaking could bring for you.
It’s time to invest the time and the focus into becoming
a speaker, using speaking to transform your life and to create
transformation for others.
It's time to
break down the barriers you have erected to speaking, to learn
just what you need to create a speech, present it and succeed.
Unique, simplistic and powerful .
Bronwyn not only has a wealth of expertise but she teaches in a way
that models her work. ... Fiona |
Change for the better
in your business
more clients
more service
more growth |
in your leadership
your team
on track
in flow
productive |
in your speaking & teaching
deeper engagement
build integrity
successful outcomes |
Story can do that |
Find out what is possible